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Article Siaw Misa Project Article Siaw Misa Project

"Greed is Good? Think Again

In the world of finance, few quotes have become as infamous as Gordon Gekko's "Greed is good." Uttered by the fictional corporate raider in Oliver Stone's 1987 film Wall Street, this phrase has been both a rallying cry for aggressive capitalism and a point of contention for those who view finance through a more ethical lens.

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Monthly Economic Update Siaw Misa Project Monthly Economic Update Siaw Misa Project

November 2023 Economic Update

November saw a tapestry of economic events unfolding globally. In the Americas, the US experienced a welcome decrease in inflation, buoying Wall Street stocks and leading to a pause in the Federal Reserve's rate hikes. Meanwhile, Canada responded by ramping up investments in green energy, seeking to stay competitive with its southern neighbour.

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